Saturday, March 7, 2009


This weeks lectures and discussions about the internet have made me start to think about the internet and technology and its effect in my life and the lives of others around me. You don't realize how much technology plays a part in your life until you step back and think about it. For many people today, the technology of the internet, DRV, cable, etc. has always been a part of their lives. We don't know any different.
Clay Shirky puts into perspective how much the media effects our everyday lives and how much time we spend using technology.


  1. I fully agree. Not to mention the thought of wasting my time watching Gilligan's Island instead of on Facebook makes me cringe. Really, though, when it feels like we have no time available to do anything, this video really brought forward that of course we have time, look at what we do with it.

  2. I concur with your comment. I believe that the fact that we spend so much time immersed in this "new media," reflects a great shift in our society. It's not that we don't have time, it's just that we're 'busy' crafting this new society and thus have stepped away from the traditional.

  3. But how of that time is spent doing anything really constructive. It seems that a lot of our time is now spent on things like Twitter and Facebook. Is that really a step up from Gilligan's Island?
